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Joey Mama Story - Belinda - A mother of four

Joey Mama Story - Belinda - A mother of four

Belinda was content as a mother of 3 boys when life threw her a little curveball in the shape of a baby girl. Here she shares a little what life is like and how very different her four births were.

Tell us a little bit about you:

Mumma of 4, married to my man, love a good hot coffee and making lists to tick off.

What were your initial thoughts/feelings when you found out you were pregnant:

Excited for the first 3, husband and i were set on 3 kiddies. Had 3 boys, then covid gave us a very big surprise with baby number 4, huge shock, then even more shock when we found she was our little girl. Now content with 4 and completely done.

How was your birth? Did it go as planned or how you expected?:

My first was a water birth at 38 weeks, was magical, relaxing and everything I planned. Second was natural at 36 weeks, wasn't how I expected it to be, was wanting another water birth but couldn't due to me being only 36 weeks. My third was long but quick, had 3 false starts but couldn't dilate past 4 cm, the day he was born it went fast and he was born in 35 minutes, 1 hour from start to finish. But the story I will fully share is my daughters, went into spontaneous labour at 33+1 day, at 3am my waters broke like the movies do, woke my husband who told me to get back in bed I had just wet myself haha. But went into hospital, waters were broken, had 48 hours worth of antibiotics and steriods to stop any infection happening and to help her lungs. At 3am at 33+3 I went into labour fast, husband was called and due to covid only he could be there. Midwives were amazing, Drs were called due to her being so early, husband freaked as they rolled the humid-crib into our birth room. Then all of a sudden I needed to push but it wasnt working, midwives realised she was coming out sunny side up, so with so much support they helped me push our little 4lb4 baby girl out, at 6:14am she was here, she screamed, I got to hold her long enough to face time her brothers and then she was wisked away to nicu, but she was our already stubbon strong willed little girl, no help breathing, straight to tube feeds until she established sucking. And at 35 weeks gestation we got to bring her home to our other crazy 3. Now she is a normal bossy, sassy 2 year old who rules the roost.

How did you find the transition into motherhood?:

Dont get me wrong there are plenty days I question everything I do as a mum but I love every second of it, I am meant to be a mum. The transition from 1 to 2 and so on was definitely a challenge but we have a rhythm and routine and its made each transition easier.

How has life changed for you since becoming a mum?:

In ways I never imagined. Its made me realise fears and strengths I never thought I had.

What is your favourite part of being a mum?:

The moment they say I love you for the first time, it makes your heart know even the hard days are worth it.

What do you do for you outside of motherhood?:

Not a lot actually, self care is hard to me to do. But I do work casually as an education support person in primary schools.

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